Monday, July 11, 2011

Hair DNA Can Detect Cancer

Technological advances, especially in the field of medicine known as the leading medical technology utilization of complementary and alternative medicine. Since known that human growth hormone, a hormone that regulates the life of the parent and balance function, optimal in 23 years, and the progress made with antioxidants, benefits and standards needs to be measured by the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) on one side brings or taking the medical world to face aging, but on the other side is still controversial.
Knowledge of aging and efforts to prevent the acceleration of aging conducted by the methods of complementary alternative, detoxification, antioxidants as a result of free radicals, the more equipped with the advances of biomolecular and other medical technologies. Until now many studies aimed at seeking the etiology of infection-causing bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms. However, the progress of concern is not purely physical, but a wholeness of the body is very complex conditions who are currently classified on the condition of a person who is relatively exposed to degenerative diseases such as hypertension, hiperkoles-terolemia, uric acid, diabetes mellitus , and so on. Advances in medicine with preventive vaccination controversy. From some of the data emerging, vaccines are used still have the preservatives of heavy metals such as mercury or of enzymes of animals for certain groups of people is forbidden. Autism is more common in infants is closely related to the use of certain vaccines that contain heavy metals or the environment has been polluted due to industrial progress because of dangerous wastes, some checks can be proven heavy metal concentrations in the brains of autistic children. Advancement of medical technology would not necessarily be applied, including diagnostic laboratory tests commonly use the patient's blood or serum, or taking portions of the fluid, secreted by the body like mouth, nose, and reproductive organs. One of the concepts holomedicine of concern today is that there are five elements that cause disease, especially degenerative diseases of toxins, nutrients, DNA, emotions, and spine. Thus, it can be concluded briefly diseases originating from DNA mutations and environmental stimulation. The human body consists of hundreds of trillions of cells and the quantum theory of medicine is evolving now every cell has a frequency that can be quantized fibration and analyzed and can know the condition of the body until we can get physical condition, taste, and spiritual. With the development of quantum medicine DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) located in the nucleus of our cells with proteins to form 23 pairs of human chromosomes, storing the genetic code in the growth of each person who studies genetic technology known as fingerprinting. A greatness and the greatness of the Creator, no two people have the same DNA sequence. Studying the DNA is not easy. Currently, medical science developed holofasik basis of quantum physics that utilize the body's cell frequency fibrasi can analyze the trends of various body functions and find the source of the disease. With early modifications through methods of DNA holomedicine hair, this is a new breakthrough in preventive medicine. Because, basically a lot of parts of the body does not have a distribution of nerve cells and as a result, many diseases do not feel its development unless it can already provide touches to a very sensitive nerve. From this condition it can be concluded there are no symptoms does not mean there is no disease. Therefore, preventive health care is health care pathway. Body-system-network-cells are a medical examination which direction we learned a lot in academic or professional today. Furthermore, molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, and neutrons is the direction holofasik examination that can reveal what we do not feel or suffer, but it is a latent dangerous thing. Theory of aging is known among others due to environmental factors, pollution, free radicals, and so forth that are visible can be seen but behind it in the field of quantum medicine technologies require special equipment and advanced medical technology is sensitive to locate the problem. A new finding in the direction of preventive medicine and anti aging are:
  1. DNA examination of hair that can explain the health index holomedicine. Report indicators of health and complete a thorough self-analysis for 298 parameters using only 3-5 strands of hair that can be said to be free of infection, time saving, safe and practical. Then, the hair samples are included in special plastic bags and sealed, then sent to a lab to be analyzed by professionals. Quantum techniques can detect cancer early and prevent cancer, autism, and almost various types of degenerative diseases.
  2. Allergens allergies can be through DNA testing of hair, which is divided into several groups, namely food, pets, plants, heavy metals and the environment.
The development of this technology has received recognition from several experts in Canada, mainland China, Taiwan (ROC), United States (University of Maryland), and the UK (London).*** [ZULFA NUGRAHA|PIKIRAN RAKYAT 07072011]

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