Friday, July 1, 2011

Food for the brain

Brain nutrients or foods are often written by experts in several medical books and journals. One is Steven Pratt, MD., known as the author of Superfoods RX: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life. Also some other researchers who write in journals such as Neurology and the health of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. There are some interesting results are listened below.
  • First is the coffee. Caffeine mentioned in coffee can make the brain more energy, helping more and more concentrated focus. Do not eat in excess, because it can make the most of us are always restless and uncomfortable.
  • The second is sugar. Surely is glucose (results metaboiisma of sugar and carbohydrates consumed), can help speed up the process of remembering in a short time, helping the thought process and enhance mental abilities. Do not eat in excess, because it can actually weaken the memory.
  • Third is the breakfast. Breakfast also was able to increase the ability to remember in the short term. Those who eat breakfast tend to be better performance than those who do not. But, again, it also affects the type of breakfast. In order to better brainpower, choose the type of a breakfast high in fiber, including fruits. Most carbohydrates can make concentration dispersed.
The researchers also suggest that fish contain Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help the brain function and development, to be eaten regularly. *** [KORAN TEMPO 3576]

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