Friday, July 1, 2011

Flying Motor is no longer imaginary

Not a fantasy or can only be seen in science fiction movie on the television screen when a motor can fly. Motor can fly no longer a concept, but really real. Through the touch of Chris Malloy's hand creates a flying motorcycle with Hoverbike name. It is said Malloy build this bike for two years at the weekend while working holiday.

Motor flying machine equipped with a capacity of 1170 cc 4 stroke has a propeller instead of wheels capable of delivering 80 kW power hinga, and can fly reaches a height of 10,000 feet. Transport capacity of this motor can only carry one rider.

As reported by hoverbike, while in the air motor is capable of racing up to the speed of 150 knots or about 278 miles per hour. Frame made of carbon fiber reinforced with kevlar lightweight material but strong.

Molley said, the working principle of vane wheels that replace the role it was not complicated. Flying motorcycle was built by following the principles used tandem-rotor Chinook helicopter. Both the rotor blades rotating with opposite directions to eliminate torque effects of the two rotors.

As the motor in general, to control this Hoverbike use handlebar. Each control can be done with vehicles like the handlebar forward or backward. Grip the right hand served to increase the thrust, while the left grip controls the angle motor control for forward movement, up or down.

For security, if something unexpected happens, like a propeller when the motor was damaged in the air, Malloy adds two parachutes on the motor.

With dimensions of 3x1, 3x0, 55 m (LxWxH) and weighs 105 kg, Hoverbike Malloy claimed his flying motorcycle is capable of flying up to 148 km with 30 liters of gasoline to fill the tank. When using gasoline in the secondary tank, the motor will be able to roam a short distance further.

Malloy add a bike can be used for various purposes, such as SAR, aerial surveys, military, and so on. He hoped to mass-produce flying motorcycle, at least can produce 100 units annually. Price it offers around 40 thousand U.S. dollars or approximately USD 340.7 million.

To help the owners of regulatory barriers for the fly, can be classed as a vehicle Hoverbike Ultralite, which means to fly this motor does not need a pilot's license. (net/nan)*** [PIKIRAN RAKYAT 01072011]

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