Thursday, July 21, 2011

The First Successful Printed Bike

Do not be fixated on the notion that a bike is definitely made of iron. There is also a bike made of wood, and even nylon.

Scientists from the European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS) Group in Filton, Bristol, has recently succeeded in making bicycles in a way designed it on the computer, then printed on nylon. Airbike bike wrapped in white and black became the first bike made with computerized technology.

From the melt nylon powder coating, the scientists made bike frame that is claimed to have the same strength as steel and aluminum, but weighs 65 percent lighter than the bike in general.

In the manufacture of bicycles, usually each component, such as gear wheels, pedals and wheels, made in different factories and then assembled into one. However, in Airbike, all components had to be made one-unity with the bike. This makes the bike does not need to be assembled printed.

To make the bike, the scientists used three-dimensional printing methods. This technology allows finely powdered nylon, carbon-reinforced plastic metals such as titanium, stainless steel, or aluminum, rolled into one.

When making the bike, the scientists used two computers that can be used to design a bike in three-dimensional version and two-dimensional. The process of making these bikes are often used in aerospace, motor industry, and engineering industries.

"Making it this way also reduces waste," said Andy Hawkins, Chief Engineer, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

According to him, the beauty of this bike lies in the complex design that requires no additional cost. Many unique design features that stay put in Airbike, such as saddle pads.

"Airbike is fantastic and the best example of innovation in the UK," said Robin Southwell, Leader of EADS UK. The engineer, he adds, is a world-class engineers continue to push to the forefront of technological advancement.*** [DAILYMAIL | RINI K | KORAN TEMPO 3479]

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