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Monday, July 11, 2011

Facebook Ready to Launch "Video Chat"

Facebook plans to sign a cooperation agreement with Skype to bring video chat features (video chat). Agenda that would allow hundreds of Facebook users engage in video chats with other users through that facility.
Design news syndication is exhaled by the site Tech Crunch through writing an editor, Michael Arrington. "Next week, according to a source who knew about the plan of cooperation, Facebook will launch a video chat feature that is supported by Skype," he said as quoted from the pages of The Guardian. Gossip about the happenings of collaboration between Facebook and Skype have been going on for years. However, allegations over at least get more clarity after the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, prepared with a press conference to be held on Wednesday. Zuckerberg explained to the interpreter reporter that his company would "make yahg launch something admirable". Skype can be downloaded for free and made with the goal of providing high-quality voice communication facilities-based Internet is cheap for all individuals in various parts of the world.*** [VIVAnews | rif | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 07072011]
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