Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cow's Milk of the Chinese Engineering Like Breast Milk

Chinese scientists have been doing genetic engineering of dairy cows to produce milk-like breast milk. The key was the kind of special proteins, called lysozyme, which is found in large quantities in breast milk.
As enzymes that attack certain bacteria, human lysozyme help protect babies from infection. lysozyme is found only in very small amount in cow's milk. "Although lysozyme bring substantial benefits to the baby, not all mothers can breast-feed her baby and there is a situation that prevents lactation," said Chinese scientists in the journal PLoS ONE, mid-March. The team of researchers led by Bin Yang of the State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology, Agricultural University of China in Beijing with fetal bovine manipulate genes to produce proteins and keep them straight so the calf was born. They examined the milk produced by transgenic cows was four when breastfeeding during the study. They concluded that the protein was identical with breast milk to the transgenic cow milk and has the same antibacterial activity. Cow's milk that has been modified it also contains fat, protein and lactose as regular cow's milk.*** [LIVESCIENCE | KORAN TEMPO 3494]

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