Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brief introduction Google+

Google recently launched Google+ (read: Google Plus), the end of June 2011 and then, which is a new social networking service. Google+ are would be a strong competitor Facebook, it's still beta and invitation-only who gets it can use it for now. Although still in Beta, a lot of people curious and want to try the latest of Google's social networking is.
To login to Google+ is very easy, if we already have an account on Gmail (Google's electronic mail service), we just visit the site http://plus.google.com, then login with the same username & password. If we do not yet have a Gmail account, then we register in advance before signing in to Google+. Quite a lot of the features offered by Google+. For example, Google+ has many features such as Facebook that comment system, like (+1), and other status. So what are the features offered by Google+ ?
  1. Circles. This function can be used to insert the names of friends into groups and users can share content with different formats in this circle of friends.
  2. Hangouts. It is a service conference more than two people with a video call.
  3. Huddle. This service provides the groups in this network to send instant messages.
  4. Sparks. This feature connects the individuals in this network to people with interests similar to a case.
One unique feature owned by Google+ is Circles. If at Facebook, which has a grouping feature to group your friends and can also set the status, that we make will be visible only for a bunch of groups, but Google+ makes it easier. Everyone who wants us to enter into a circle, must be included in certain circles such as Friends, Family, or circle that you created yourself. So interesting isn't it ? *** [SEPTI SETIAWATI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 21072011]

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