Monday, July 25, 2011

Bimasakti Ready to Fight in Japan

Sound of formula car in red, white, and black was deafening. Mohammad Audi Yusuf, the driver, immediately press the gas pedal. Boulevard campus of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, earlier stops at 100 kilometers per hour.

As entered the second lap, the car into the name of the Bimasakti crashed sidewalk in front of the building University Center. Dented front bumper. "Earlier skid because there is sand," said Audi, which is five seconds after the collision pushed the button safety.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011, the car is tested in the presence of the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada Sudjarwadi, should have tested the car on the track that is free of sand. UGM team creation formula car is "under-class F1, but is above the kart.

Audi alarmed and immediately stop the trial. Understandably, in the 5 to 9 September 2011 is the Bimasakti to a competition of The 9th Student Formula SAE of Japan 2011 in ECOPA (Ogasayama Sports Park), Japan. In a formula race car's annual student level, the Bimasakti must compete with 86 other teams from Japan, Australia, Thailand, China, India, Korea, and Pakistan.

Bimasakti team members UGM lecturers, Mohammad Agung Bramantya, considers the incident in front of University Center uncommon because only a simulation. The team can actually get valuable experience from this incident. "Motorists can get out of the car in 4 a few seconds, meaning that already meet the qualifications in safety if an incident occurs," he said. Bimasakti does represent Indonesia in the competition. There are 16 students majoring in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering in the Bimasakti team.

Audi claims satisfied the appearance of the Bimasakti. Pull the car, he said, according to the desired target. He explained, for future development, there must be improvement of the steering systems currently are not using a model racing car.

Technical coordinator of the team, Akmal Irfan Majid, said his team made the Bimasakti, starting from concept, design, to manufacturing. Assembly performed in the automotive work shop of Mechanical Engineering-UGM and cost Rp. 140 million.

The car design does not leave distinctiveness Indonesia, by adding batik motif on the wing. "We combine technology and culture of Indonesia which has a characteristic of batik," said team member of the Bimasakti, Andika Rinaldo.

Batik is designed on the wings of the car with brown and white. The body incorporates a red, white, and black. While the red and white Indonesian flag colors.

The car has a total length of 2.40 m, height 1.05 m, width 1.10 m, and body surface area of 5 square meters, the vehicle body is made of glass fiber material with 4 to 6 millimeters thick, while the steel frame of the base material 0.2 percent black pipe C. Because it is not available in Indonesia, this part ordered from abroad through the automotive companies. "The meeting just 0.2 percent of C's out," said Fauzun, lecturers. Price per stem is too expensive, Rp. 1.5 million. And they need 12 trunks.

This car tires 13 inches diameter ring and the wheel base is 1.55 meters. Bimasakti is 90 percent use a self-assembled materials, except machinery and chains imported from abroad. With Suzuki Thunder 322 cc engine, the car could glide with a maximum speed of 160 km per hour.

Agung Bramantya explained, the Bimasakti's toughest competitor is the Japanese team. In this competition vehicles that are contested will be assessed in two categories, namely static event, which includes cost analysis, engineering design, and team presentation. Then the dynamic events, including acceleration of vehicles, fuel efficiency, durability, autocross and skidpad. "Those who win must collect 1,000 points," he said. *** [BERNADA RURIT | KORAN TEMPO 3597]
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