Space technology is used as a reference

Artificial meat (instant) in Indonesia, first appeared in 1967. Prof. Muhyidin (late), food technology expert who was teaching at Padjadjaran University Faculty of Animal Science, points out, Indonesia has actually been able to create artificial meat (instant), the basic ingredients of soy. However, so far has not been able to achieve a level of perfection, because of the meat has not yet appeared. In terms of texture and shape can be achieved up to 70% of the original, but experts still have not found the so-called "flesh".
After 1967, the problem of artificial meat is never appear on the chessboard of Indonesian food technology experts. Only about 10 years ago, Mironov NASA food technology experts from Russia, proving that dreams imagined Prof. Muhyidin it. During this time, Mironov, tasked to provide food for the astronauts, making the inventory to stock into space. However, after the space shuttle flight delays, they think why it should not develop science.
When he was awarded a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), to develop tissue engineering of cardio-vascular meat. With the help of Helen Lane NASA nutritionists and other food experts, Mironov managed to create an instant of weightlessness for the meat needs space. Research funds are not fully funded by NASA, as NASA focuses on the research of transgenic crops as a source of protein to be developed in space.
Mironov and Genovese, a grant funded by the International Nutrition Research Institute, for three years from the UK involved in this project. Mironov had earlier examined the manufacture of meat without the weights, taking embryonic muscle cells called "myoblasts" converted into muscle, the turkey. Then the muscles are formed, washed in the "bovine serum" and developed into a muscular animal tissues. Instant meat that grows, it turns out the same as the original meat in the meat market. Douglas McFarland, enhance myoblast cells into various kinds of meat as desired, for the benefit of the astronauts with the consumption of meat juices mixing several, such as pork, chicken, turkey, sheep, and cows, Mironov said.

Mironov found that beef liver, or "pate" is very famous in France. Meat is made from muscle meat that is easy to grow. And he said, the meat of this instant in the future will be a natural filler food, which is designed as an easy food "food stuff". On the grounds that the instant food is not dangerous, economically developed for market needs. Mironov and Genovese, are two of the 30 applicants who have been invited to the European Science Foundation workshop on in vitro meat in Gothenburg, Sweden, next August, to discuss the technological barriers that may arise when it is developed more widely to the public interest.
Along with the research of NASA, the National Institute of food and agriculture WHO, on the other side of the meat research by the Dutch company's bio-engineer, developed the research so similar but not equal for different types of meat. You do this by taking the basic ingredients of soy and other vegetable proteins it. However, so far are still constrained in the search for the taste of meat that has not been touched 100%, "Mironov said. The contrast between the original meat with an instant meat is in its strength.
Ordinary meat as we know, must be specially treated to remain durable and not rotten. While the instant meat, commonly consumed by astronauts nonperishable, because it is far from a touch of micro-organisms bacteria. In addition, a much lighter weight, compared with natural meats from beef, pork, or salmon. What if this advantage will be marketed to the general economic competitiveness in the market.
NASA conducted research, managed to create the salmon meat perfectly. Research conducted by Jason Matheny, University of Maryland doctoral student colleagues were, published in the journal "Tissue Engineering" last month. Matheny said, the cells can be dilated veins due to slight changes in temperature. The result, the meat can be used to make meat, which was treated as "chicken nuggets" or "hamburger". "A lot of benefits from cultured meat," Matheny said in a statement. "For example, you can control the nutritional content." Meat contains lots of omega-6 fatty acids, which is necessary, but not in large numbers. Omega-3 fats, like those found in walnuts and fish oils, can be replaced. Cultured meat could also reduce the pollution coming from farms. "You will not need the drugs used on animals to make meat," Matheny said. Farms in the future, requiring millions of gallons of water and hundreds of hectares of land. While the meat is developed from myoblast (tendon), requires no such requirements. "Demand for meat has increased worldwide. Request for meat in China doubled every ten years. Consumption of poultry meat in India has doubled over the last five years," he said.
Writing in this month's issue of Physics World, Alan Calvert, a physicist who predicted that the animals consumed by humans produce 21 percent carbon dioxide, which is associated with human activity. He suggested that people switch to a vegetarian diet, a way to reduce global warming.
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