Ants nest (sarang semut) with a scientific name Myrmecodia pendans is a plant that its interior is used as a nest of ants. Traditionally, the ant nest has been used by indigenous Papuans to treat a variety of hereditary diseases. Now the results of modern research found that these plants contain active compounds is important as flavonoids, tocopherols, phenolic, and is rich in various minerals that are useful as antioxidants and anticancer.
The content of the substance possessed was supported by the activity of ants in it, many beneficial substances left behind in the plant. In ants, antioxidants serve as an important substance for the formation of colonies. In addition, also as a stronghold for the storage of eggs from the disease.
When viewed, this condition is almost similar to that issued honey bees to protect their eggs. In the ant properties that appear most likely originate from the salivary glands of ants that interact with plants and a few other microbes.
Empirically, the nest of ants has been shown to cure various ailments and serious, like cancer and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraine, arthritis, and leukemia.
In connection with uric acid, in his research, researchers from the Bogor Agricultural University Dr. M. Ahkam Subroto see any inhibition of xanthine oxidase enzyme activity by extracts of the ant nest. This suggests that the extract is equivalent to the activity of ant nests Allopurinol, a drug commercial chemicals that are used for the treatment of gout.

For diabetics, the plant has also become an alternative that must be tried. Because the content of substances that will neutralize generated ants in blood sugar levels.
Logically this is possible because the sugar into a main meal of ants and certain content owned by antibody against sugar compounds are very full. So, naturally opposed to sugar with substances that are owned by ants through nest. Although eating sugar, the ants do not have diabetes ...? *** [ALVINA ARUM P | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 21072011]