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Monday, October 10, 2011

Love the Environment a la Wong Samin Hamlet

Plant beans, peppers, cassava, and so grew up on the sidelines of the teak tree that stands in the Jepang Hamlet. The model plant is part of the program intercropping in the village that is located in the Margomulyo Village, Margomulyo District, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia.

"It's tough keeping the forests from destruction," said Hardjo Kardi, 73, Jepang Hamlet elder, which is located on the Begawan Solo River, the end of September 2011.

Community in this hamlet known care about the environment. They were obedient to the teachings of Samin, which respects environmental governance. That was proven when there was looting a massive teak forests in 2000-2002.

Residents actually help keep the forest, not stealing wood in the forest. They are partly involved cooperation with Perhutani with Forest Village Community Institution program for those who live on the edge of the forest.

Now some people in the Jepang Hamlet utilizing forest land for the necessities of life, including the program's crop intercropping.

Greening in the village are relatively awake. Though soil of Jepang Hamlet largely is chalky, dry, and barren. But, thanks to public awareness is still cultivating planting teak and mahogany trees, water sources maintained.

It is not separated from the role Hardjo Kardi, which his great-grandfather, Samin Surosentiko, is the founder of the teachings of Samin in Bojonegoro. Mbah Harjo -term residents to Hardjo Kardi- residents often come home to give an example that his people were not indiscriminate felling of teak trees in the forest. "If the forest is damaged, the community itself is difficult," he said.

In the agricultural sector, in the Jepang Hamlet, Samin community also initiate and create new sources of springs. Existing springs, or spring preserved surroundings. Society should not exploit the spring to be traded. Springs used sparingly, both for agricultural irrigation and drinking water.

According Hardjo, Samin community aware of the contents and the least damaged natural resources on earth depends on how the wearer. They do not exploit the paddy soil, and plant according to season. Farmers in the village of Samin not want to sow seeds (planting) three times a year. Clearly, the rainy season to plant rice, and when dry, plant the crops.
Two residents of Samin communities in the Margomulyo Village, Margomulyo District, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java Province,Indonesia, was holding a new look for firewood in the forest. Both carry the wood as far as four miles. (Picture from: http://www.antarafoto.com/)

Samin community also prohibits fishing by poison in the Begawan Solo River. They prefer to fish with fair fishing or cast nets to catch fish in moderation.

Then the government would undoubtedly Samin community in the Jepang Hamlet. Perhutani in Bojonegoro and Ngawi also often cooperated and gave aid to this hamlet. Lastly, for example, programs Planting One Billion by the Ministry of Forestry Repubik Indonesia, one of which is located in this hamlet.

According to Head of Margomulyo District, Yayan Rohman in Margomulyo relatively still awake. Community in Jepang Hamlet, he said, in the category who are aware of the importance of the future of forests, concerned about the environment preservation. "This attitude of people in hamlet can be exemplary," said Yayan. *** [SUJATMIKO | KORAN TEMPO 3668]
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